Influence in Drug Rehab

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There have been many different aspects of influence throughout my life. When I was young, I had a lot of negative influences around me that were out of my control. I often surrounded myself with negative people who had a negative influence on my actions. There were some positive people in my life, but it wasn’t enough to keep me on a straight path. I chose the dark side. As I got older, I began to see the impact that negative and positive influences had on my life, which was hard to see when I was younger. I started to become more aware of my surroundings and tried to become a better influence on those around me. I truly believe that strong influence is like a domino effect and can be very contagious on both sides of the spectrum. I used my negative role models as an excuse to use drugs or act out criminally for too long.

Today, I strive not to let negativity rule my attitude or behavior. I strive to build a better future. I’ve learned that by surrounding myself with positive and motivating people, helps me take on those traits. This helps me lead and guide others who look up to me. I still have lapses in judgement, however I’m aware of the negative and positive effects of those who have influence over me. Today, I am able to see and relate this to my recovery more than ever. People who have a positive influence over me are often inspirational, spiritual, and up-lifting. These traits can help to motivate and change someone’s life in the right direction, guiding them down a path towards greatness. Negative influences are draining and demonic and catch on like a wildfire, often dragging others down a dark road. Today, I try to be a positive influence on others, to help motivate and inspire them. I don’t always succeed, especially when I don’t properly deal with my character defects, but I do try my hardest to remind myself of the power of being influenced and being influential. I strive to influence my fellows in a spiritual direction, and hopefully spark a light that may be dim within.


Positive Influences


The Negative Influence of Addiction