The Negative Influence of Addiction

alcohol detox influence

Influence is a strong thing. It could be used in so many different ways, good and bad. The scary part is that if you’re not present and aware you can be allowing others to influence you in a negative way. It’s also important to be aware of our own influence on others. It’s harmful when a person chooses to influence others out of their own selfish needs and wants. This is a form of manipulation.

In my own life I was unaware of how much of an influence I had on others and how selfish I was. I now realize the negative affect that my addictions and negative behavior had on my oldest daughter. They say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. How could I or anyone expect anything else from her? She grew up surrounded by my bad influence. Her negative behavior was a mirror of my addictive behavior. Today, it’s my life goal to be a better influence on my kids as well as others in my life.


Influence in Drug Rehab


Art- Recovery Word of the Week