Positive Influences

Influence- Word of the Week

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When I reflect on my addiction and how much control my using had on my life and the power it had over me, it makes me extremely grateful for my sobriety and the clarity it has given me to see my past for what it really was. I allowed myself to be influenced by money, friends, family, relationships, drugs, music, etc. and lost all sense of who I was, just to feel needed, wanted, accepted, and important. Instead of looking within myself and knowing what my own likes and dislikes were, what my values were, what was important to me, I allowed myself to sacrifice my own self-worth for momentary and fleeting feelings of being connected. There are many external forces that can influence our internal reality, however being aware of these influences and determining whether they are serving or hindering my progress and what I want for myself has made me more aware of who I want to surround myself with and the positive influence I would like to be on the people in my life. Ultimately, I would like to leave people better off than when I found them, and as long as I can remember and implement this into my life, I think that the impact could only be positive.


Motivation in Addiction Recovery


Influence in Drug Rehab