My Struggle With Passivity

passivity drug detox oc

I have always struggled with passivity throughout my life. I don’t like confrontation and because of that, I am more often passive rather than assertive. It often gets me into more trouble because I do not express how I feel which causes my emotions to build up. When I’m unable to deal with my emotions properly over time, I tend to lose control. For a long time, I was passive with my recovery. I thought if I attended enough meetings and surrounded myself with enough sober people, recovery would just sort of happen for me through osmosis and I wouldn’t really need to work for it. Now, having all the experience I do, I know that being passive is not going to get me the things I wish to have in life. I’m learning and trying to express how I truly feel when the circumstances present themselves.


Drug Relapse and Passivity


Passivity in Recovery