Passivity in Recovery

san clemente detox passivity

Passivity has definitely been an issue in my recovery. The Big Book of AA says, “If we don’t change our passive attitude with ourselves and toward our problems then nothing will change”.  My recovery has been in-line with that statement over and over again. With my current relapse, my passivity towards my recovery let the thought come into my head that it would be ok and different to use once or twice. Now, I find myself back at square one, having to figure out where I was passive in my recovery that led to my distorted thinking and to my relapse.  Passivity is something I’m going to need to bring my awareness, if I want to stay clean. Working on my passivity will allow me to be my most authentic self and will put my true recovery-self in charge.


My Struggle With Passivity


Humility- A Vital Tool in Recovery