God Shots

Synchronicity has a funny way of showing up in our lives when we least expect it. According to synchronicity there are no such things as coincidences, everything happens for a reason. Some may even call them “God Shots”. I myself do believe God has a plan for me and is working in my life on a daily basis. My drinking landed me in the hospital more than once because I made my body physically sick. I knew once this happened I needed to get my life back on track and become sober once again. Luckily, South Orange County Detox and Treatment took me in when other treatment centers were turning me away due to several different medical conditions. I am very fortunate that Salina Shuler found it in her heart to help me recover from the alcoholism that ran and ruined parts of my life. God had placed people in my life to help me recover. I know that as long as I believe and trust them that my life will get better over time. I must look for the similarities and out aside the differences to continue to become a better version of myself. This will be a tough journey nut God will be there to guide me every step if the way.


Replacing Manipulation with Action


My Journey of Growth