My Journey of Growth

growth journey drug detox

Willingness is defined as the quality of state of being prepared to do something. To be honest when I first got to South Orange County Detox and Treatment, the only thing I was willing to do was whatever was required from the courts to avoid going back to jail. After being here for 6 months I wanted to leave and be done with groups, meetings, and therapy. Thankfully, after having a conversation with one of the counselors here, I realized that if I left I would be repeating the same pattern I had always made and that I didn’t want to continue doing the same thing, being stuck in the same revolving door of destruction and cycle of addiction. I had to do something different, even if it wasn’t what I wanted in that moment, I knew it would benefit me in the long run. Sometimes for me willingness looks like taking contrary action. For me, willingness means remaining teachable and knowing that we never arrive, that there is always room for improvement and that the path to growth and development is a process and journey. My life has improved tremendously in my time at South Orange County Detox and Treatment,, my legal issues have been resolved, I returned to college and am working towards my certification in drug and alcohol counseling, and recently started a job. I finally feel like I have my freedom back, and it is an incredible feeling to know that if I remain willing and honest that doors will continue to open.


God Shots


Feelings of Disappointment & Anger