Learning from Relapse

Learning from Relapse

In the past I definitely lived my life as a “do as I say, not as I do” kind of guy.  I could give great insight 90% of the time however, most of the time it wasn’t something that I would even follow myself. For example, I would tell someone to identify and/or change a character defect, then I would leave the room and yell at someone else out of anger. 

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Running with Trust

Running with Trust

Learning to trust myself has also allowed me to have more trust in others. Trusting the advice from others, without being fearful, has led me to grow and has given me new insight to matters that I would have not learned unless I trusted the guidance of others.

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Compassion – To identify with strong feelings of suffering.  Sounds simple enough, right?  But what happens when you don’t even have compassion for yourself?  Can you really be compassionate with others?  What if you’re confusing self-pity with self-compassion?

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