Perfectionism Stifles My Creativity

Perfectionism Stifles My Creativity

Perfectionism is the refusal to allow yourself to move forward. I can agree with this concept, to an extent, in that I struggle with this in my art and in-turn with my creativity. For years, I have been in a closed system with my art. I know that I have perfected my “Style of Graffiti”, but perfectionism goes further than that. This closed system that I have created in “Pursuit of Perfectionism” leaves me in a place where I refuse to do anything with it.

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Prayer is Humility in Action

Prayer is Humility in Action

Humility is something I struggle with. For a long time, I had to learn how to survive in the world on my own. Even now with some sobriety under my belt, I still sometimes feel that way. So, after spending years with that mindset, having the humility to ask anyone for help has been a challenge.

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