Prayer is Humility in Action

prayer drug detox

Humility is something I struggle with. For a long time, I had to learn how to survive in the world on my own. Even now with some sobriety under my belt, I still sometimes feel that way. So, after spending years with that mindset, having the humility to ask anyone for help has been a challenge. But I guess if you never acknowledge small victories, you can never see any real progress being made. So, I’d say a small victory for me would be I came to realize that I was not going to be able to stop using drugs on my own and I came to South Orange County Detox and Treatment asking for help. I feel like a huge difference in my recovery this time around is that I am doing my best to practice humility. I speak up when I’m not feeling good or when my head is in a bad place. While I can’t say I am an example of what humility should look like, I feel like my idea or attitude towards humility has drastically improved. We recently read a book that said, “Prayer is humility in action”. While I still don’t fully understand prayer, I have been in a place where I try to pray everyday. I know by making a conscience effort to pray everyday, I will see the direct results of humility in action.


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