What is Love?

love recovery drug rehab

To me, love is a root of happiness. To love somebody is a very intimate feeling. It can drive you mad and motivate you to be the best version of yourself as possible. But for me, it has been a lot easier to love others more than myself. And I know that people say, “you can’t love someone else, if you don’t love yourself”, and maybe there is truth in that, but for years I didn’t love myself while I was loving others. Love has driven me to do crazy things, it has gotten me in trouble more times than I can count, but it has gotten me through a lot of difficult times. Its moments that I truly felt alone, I knew that Jesus loved me, and that was enough to keep me pushing, I know that at the end of the day, my family and close friends showed me unconditional love, even after all of the horror I had put them through. Today in recovery, I have learned to love myself. I struggle at times, but I have gained that love back and it feels pretty good. I love Jesus, and I love my life in sobriety. These things are the root of happiness today. Love is a strong feeling that binds together a closeness that I long for,


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