Willingness in Recovery

This has been my first real attempt at sobriety and recovery. In order to be where I am today, I had to maintain a sense of willingness. I had to be willing to try things that I have never tried before. I’ve been in many uncomfortable situations over the last year where I would have liked to just walk away. I’m grateful that I didn’t because then there would have been no growth or learning by leaving when things got difficult. I’ve had to be willing to trust and listen to people when everything in me was telling me that I was right, and they were wrong, and that I should just do what my head was telling me. Being willing to have faith in the process has become much easier for me the more sober time I acquire. I have witnessed first-hand things working out in my favor when I do. To sum it all up, staying sober through willingness has changed my perspective and has opened me up to a new way of life.




Willingness - Isn't Giving-In or Giving-Up