
Control- Recovery Word of the Week

control heroin detox

I was raised in a house where control was an everyday occurrence.  My mother had to control every aspect my life and my dad controlled every aspect of my family’s reputation.  I remember always telling myself that as an adult I would never be a controlling person. However it didn’t take long for me to turn into the very thing I despised.  I always had to be right. I always needed to have that last word. I always needed everyone to do as I said. When I was in high school, I was under the control of my peers who first introduced me to drugs.  After dropping out of high school and losing friends for various reasons, I found a group of people who preyed on controlling others with problems like mine. This group taught me how to be the worst of the worst when it comes to control and judgementI. Therefore, I carried on controlling others while destroying every relationship until the day I got sober. After working on myself in recovery, I realized that control was a huge issue in my life and I wouldn’t just stop overnight. I had to put the work into my recovery to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around me and everything doesn’t have to go my way on my timeline. Today, I still struggle with control issues from time to time. I’m definitely not a saint but I’m grateful to South Orange County Detox and Treatment for helping me start the process to becoming a better person.


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