Faith Without Works is Dead

faith drug rehab orange county

Faith without works is dead. That is something I have learned in the rooms of AA. Since I was fifteen, I never really understood the meaning of that until recently. I have always questioned people who had faith in God. I never understood how people found peace and comfort in something they could not touch or see. I could not ever seem to find that connection that so many people talk about. Just recently, it was told to me that God will put as much into me as I put into Him. Up until a few weeks ago, that was nothing. Since I have been reaching out and asking God to guide me, I feel like my life is going the right direction. Things are starting to happen for me today that I never thought possible in the past. I find that my freedom and happiness are tied in directly to how much faith I have that God will take care of me. Finding faith in sobriety is something I will always be grateful for.


Relapse Prevention


Holding On To Faith