Keep Pushing Forward

perfectionism recovery drug rehab

I never considered myself a perfectionist but, today when South Orange County Detox and Treatment took us to the skate park, I got stuck a couple times during the skateboarding session. I’ve been skateboarding throughout my entire life and when I was younger I was always the best, until I broke my ankle and had to have surgery. This kept me off my board for a very long time. When I finally got back on my board I expected that I would be as skilled as I was before the injury. In the past, barely landing a trick was never good enough for me because I always wanted to be the best. Since I’ve been at South Orange County Detox and Treatment and have acquired more sober time than I ever had before, I’ve learned that this kind of perfectionist thinking will never let me move ahead and try new things. Now I tell myself, “Don’t get stuck on one trick and beat yourself up; there’s so much more out there to skate!” I also try and apply this thinking to other parts of my life and my recovery program. When you get stuck and feel like you’re not progressing, keep pushing forward.


Art at South Orange County Detox and Treatment


Drug Relapse and Passivity