Healthy Communication

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I believe that communication is the foundation of all relationships. Through communication, we can build trust, ask for what we want, and understand what others want. Dialect can also be used to hurt, control, and manipulate others. That is why it is so important that every word that is said is honest. I have personally experienced division brought about by miscommunication or lack of communication. Our language and ability to communicate with words is one of the main attributes of a human being, that sets us apart from animals. Sometimes it feels easier to avoid speaking to others than tell them a truth that might hurt them or jeopardize a relationship.  However, I have learned that it is always worse to hide from others, or tell them dishonestly, what they would like to hear. The truth always surfaces. I’m someone that may be defended or defensive at first, but I always come around to understand what is being said to me. I would rather have people speak their truth to me rather than someone keep it inside out of fear. It isn’t healthy to bottle up your feelings because they will eventually come out anyways, and you might not be able to control yourself, or you will regret the way you communicated something that should’ve/ could’ve been said a lot sooner and in a more healthy way.


Fading My Selfish Ways


Rigorous Honesty