Growth In Recovery

growth alcohol detox orange county

Growth is a continual process. In my lifetime, I have experienced multiple periods of growth. I have come a long way from being the over reactive child I once was. The issues I had as a child played a role in my alcoholism.Alcohol took me down a deep and dark path of misery. It cost me several relationships, and long term job opportunities. I recently had to resign from my MRI tech position that I enjoyed, as a direct result from the wreckage that drinking brings. During my alcoholism, I lost all motivation to live. Even the slightest task of getting out of bed became difficult. With the help of several different treatment centers, I began to find hope and develop various stints of sobriety. They introduced me to the rooms of AA, where I found experience, strength, and hope. The principles helped me learn a new way of living without alcohol. I gained friends in the program who taught me ways to have fun in sobriety. I often pray and meditate to keep a close connection with my higher power. Today, I apply the principles that I have learned, in order to leave a peaceful life and know that things will only get better in time.


The Choice To Stay Positive


The Illusion Of Control