My Path Towards Emotional Sobriety

emotional sobriety orange county detox

Sobriety is a broad term used to describe someone who is abstinent from drugs or alcohol. But to be truly sober you need physical and emotional sobriety. For me personally, a big part of my drug use was to numb myself from negative emotions. But that’s the thing about drug use, you can’t pick and choose what emotions you’re going to numb when you’re high. It’s either all of them or none. Having to come to grips with your emotions clean and sober is a challenging thing. It shows you things within yourself that you aren’t necessarily proud of. On this path to becoming emotionally sober I have had to let go of all justifications and validations for my behaviors and take ownership for my actions and stop blaming everyone around me. In retrospect getting off drugs was the easy part, having to work on myself and how to address all of my emotions has been the difficult part. It feels like an uphill battle at times but the way I feel about myself now is incomparable to how I felt while using.


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