Unfulfilled Hope and Expectations

disappointment alcohol detox

This is hard for me to write about because I feel such sorrow with this subject. I’m going to start this off with a short definition of the word disappointment. It is defined as sadness and displeasure due to hopes and expectations not being fulfilled. Just reading this really hurts to even think about. As you can probably tell, I’ve had a lot of disappointments in my life. Nothing ever seemed to go the way I had hoped. With every turn I made in life, I felt let down. I became angry over this so much so that I just stopped caring all-together. This leading to my biggest disappointment in my life, Me!  Harsh, as it may sound, it’s true. I’m disappointed in myself, more than anything else in my life. I didn’t even live up to my own expectations. Instead, I let down so many people that I cared for the most. I wanted to be the best dad there was and the best man that I could be. Yet, I let my pride and addiction take away the best parts of myself. This being my biggest disappointment. But not all hope is lost. Recently, I’ve had to swallow my pride and ask for help, and for this I’m proud.


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