Finding Purpose

purpose recovery oc rehab

I think the number one question I have always asked myself is “What is my purpose?” There have been many instances in my life I should not have survived, but for some reason I did. I think that God only knows my true purpose, and that will be revealed to me in time through selflessness. It frightens me to know that at 29-years-of-age, my vision is still unclear, and I don’t know what I am doing most of the time. One thing I am certain of is that I will only find purpose and intimate relationships through sobriety and selfless acts of kindness. I may not have a full understanding of my purpose in life, but as long as I continue down the path of sobriety and daily 12-step service work, I will have helped at-least one person and that’s meaningful to me.


Growth After Relapse


Connecting with Others