Blessings from My Higher Power
In active addiction, I rejected any idea or concept of God because I had gotten so comfortable living my life fueled by self-will run riot. I didn’t want to believe that anyone or anything in my life had control over me, and I didn’t want to have faith in anything greater than myself because growing up, I felt forsaken by God.
Communication- One of the Most Important Things in Life
Words can be one of the most powerful things human beings have at their disposal so learning the right way to use them will help lead me exactly where I want to go in life.
Gratitude- A Hard Word to Pronounc
Gratitude must be practiced daily for it to be affective. For some, it's thanking their higher power at every turn, for others, it's practicing humility. I have tried in my life to be grateful for the blessings I have, but I know that I fall short, as we all do, and that's okay.