Blinding Resentments
Resentments are the key offender in relapse by most of us who suffer from substance abuse. They are the strongest hook’s that anchors us to our addiction. The more I perceive that I have been treated wrongly, unfairly, and unjust, the more I drift toward using to cope with this pain I have manifested through my perception.
The Moment of Truth
The only truth I know to be 100 percent factual is the word of God. My whole life I have struggled with truth; truth of who I was; the truth of what I’d done and how I could stretch the truth to make myself sound or feel better. In addition, the only truth that was real was my addiction to drugs.
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection
I realized that the root of my addiction steamed from feeling alone and the lack of connection with everyone and everything around me. The only connection I had was to my addiction, my drugs and my booze.