Masks, Disguises and Costumes
Art Therapy Art Therapy

Masks, Disguises and Costumes

Masks, disguises, costumes.  Ordinary people might dismiss these words as irrelevant or assume that these words don’t apply to daily life, but they do – more that you suspect. How many times have you found yourself in a room of people and thought, “These people aren’t revealing who they truly are”, or, “These people are putting on a front”…

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The Gift of Art

The Gift of Art

As far back as I can remember, I always knew that I was given the gift of artistic abilities. This gift has given me the opportunities to express myself in many ways that I may have not otherwise engaged in. This type of creativity comes natural to me and holds a special place in my heart while being an outlet to express my soul

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Connecting To My Creative Voice

Connecting To My Creative Voice

“The Artist Way”, has led me to an understanding that connection with myself and my higher power is the solution to my creative dilemma.  This solution will only take place if I listen to my true self, without judgement; connecting to my creativity even before I start a piece of art.  I need to have patience with myself and my healing, in an effort to open my mind to a deeper level of artistic expression .

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