First Step Towards Acceptance

First Step Towards Acceptance

Acceptance has been extremely important in my journey throughout recovery. My first step towards acceptance was accepting that I am not able to live a life that involves drugs and alcohol. In no way am I able to manage life when on any sort of substance; it’s just not possible. From there I had to accept other flaws, defects, and behaviors which held me back in life and I had to accept help and advice to progress in these areas.

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The Influence of My Higher Power

The Influence of My Higher Power

Influence can come in many form and fashions. You can be under the influence of substances, ideas, principles, and people, among other things. We find as addicts and alcoholics that we tend to use influence to change the way that we feel. The desire to change the way that we feel comes not by choice but by way of a primal need that every human has to connect with something greater than themselves.

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