South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Willingness To Get Clean and Sober

Willingness- Recovery Word of the Week

The first things that comes to my mind when I think about willingness is the journey I had to take to get where I am today. It first started here when I lived here in California. My heroin addiction was so bad I resorted to living in my car. My last night in California I slept outside. Thankfully, my mom was willing to fly me to Florida to live with her. I did not want to leave but I was willing and desperate to do anything at that point. I was pointed in the direction to try alternative treatments and I was willing to try anything because nothing else was working. I’m so proud of myself because as of August 31st I will have 3-years off of heroin. If it wasn’t for the support and willingness of my family to help me, I surely would not be alive today. Although it was very hard to be willing to change, I’m so blessed that I did.

A year and a half into my clean time I started drinking alcohol. It just got worse and worse; I was finally willing to ask my mom if she could help me again. After about 2 months of trying to taper off of alcohol at home I had a seizure. At that point I had to ask for real help. I am currently 5-days sober and it feels really weird, I’m so glad I was willing to start this journey and so grateful to the people who are helping me along the way.