Unlocking Potential

leadership drug detox orange county

What is a leader? There is a common misconception of what a leader truly is; often thinking that a leader must blatantly tell others what to do. However, this is not the case. A leader shows through actions rather than words. It is easy to direct people on what to do, but what is more powerful is showing others through one’s own actions; setting the standard of what is expected from others. Being in the position of a leader is not easy: there are ups and there are downs. However, when times get tough a leader does not sit and blame others for the mistakes but rather learn and grow from the errors and analyze ways to improve. A leader does not necessarily hold the key to all knowledge but instead is someone who is open minded to continuous learning and not afraid to take suggestions from others to reach a consensus. Leaders are not prideful and are accepting when help is needed. The most successful leaders are the ones who keep the best interest of the group in mind and are not selfish. Leaders are determined on a goal and help others to say focus and achieve said goal, all while remaining kind, wise, and empathizing with others. A part of being a leader is believing and trusting in the ability of others, pushing them to unlock their potential to become better. Titles are futile and everyone can be a leader if determined and passionate enough. It is all about finding balance, keeping an open mind, and willing to work hard. Thus, effective leaders create more leaders not more followers.


Compassion in Addiction Recovery


Captain Of The Team