South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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The Truth Shall Set You Free


I personally believe that authenticity is one of  the most important parts of recovery. To me, being authentic means being honest with yourself. Sometimes I really struggle with this. My pride and ego will often tell me I need to act a certain way or put on a mask around others because if they find out who I really am, I will not be liked or accepted. If I show my true colors, people will see me for who I truly am; an addict, a liar, a thief, a failure, a bad brother, son, and friend, or just an overall bad person. However, if I am being authentic with myself, then I know that none of that is true. When I see somebody being truly authentic, without fear of judgement or being disliked by others, I find myself having even more respect for that person. Being authentic shows courage and lets you into somebody’s heart. Jesus once said, “The truth shall set you free.” Sobriety has shown me this statement to be true.