South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Truth- The Hardest Thing to Accept

Truth- The Hardest Thing to Accept

I guess I would define truth as the opposite of a lie. And the truth can be a hard thing to accept, especially when addiction has played a major role in your life. Coming to terms with the truth of all the destruction that I’ve caused during my using has been a jumping-off point for my current feelings of shame and guilt. But also seeing the truth for what it is, gives me the motivation to try my best to make changes going forward. Some of the major truths I’m learning to accept are as follows:

1.     I’m an addict/alcoholic that can never again ingest any mind-altering substances;

2.     I’ve caused a lot of harm over my years of drug use and it’s going to take a lot of time and work to try and repair the damage I’ve caused.

3.     I need the support of others to keep me sober and on a path to success, I cannot do it on my own.

4.     My anger becomes detrimental to my recovery if I cannot keep it in check.

While there are a ton of truths in recovery, I’ve come to see that the four stated above are the hardest for me to accept. I need to be more open to hearing the truth from others in order to continue with my progress and stay sober.