Healing from Drug Addiction
The healing process in addiction, in my opinion, is the whole point of recovery. After all, in active addiction we beat ourselves to a bloody pulp and destroy everything we touch. So, it's only right that the healing will initiate in Detox, we are clearing our body, mind, and spirit of all the evil, putrescent, and malignant darkness that has accumulated during our drug and alcohol use.
Transformation in Drug Rehab
Since I have come into recovery, I have been forced to look at myself under a microscope. I have had to analyze and assess myself and find out where changes needed to be made in order for me to live outside of my addiction.
An Essence of Change
Looking back on all the growth that's happened I think back on all the times I fought the opportunity to change my perspective or take direction because it was out of my comfort zone. It was uncomfortable, humbling, and mentally exhausting at times, but that's when the most growth was happening, when I was breaking out of my false self, and shaping back into my true self. I’ve had to set my ego aside, take direction, put my trust in others, and allow God to work in my life.