Having A Sense of Humor in Recovery

laughter alcohol detox orange county

Having a good sense of humor is a great quality to have in life.  This involves being able to make others laugh along with being able to join in and even laugh at yourself, at times.  During my active alcoholism, I may have laughed and others laughed at or with me, however, I rarely remembered what was so funny the next day.  Most of my alcoholism involved being isolated in my apartment rented room.  When isolated, I was essentially void of any humor, let alone laughter.  Laughter is contagious in that people tend to join in and have fun with you and others around you.  Currently, in my sobriety, I have found my ability to laugh again and to have fun.  People tend to comment on how funny I am and laugh with me, instead of at me.  I will admit I was foolish while drinking and most of the laughter was centered around my drunk and foolish behavior.  In short, I am so grateful to be sober again.  Now I am able to enjoy myself and others through laughter and I’m getting my sense of humor back again. 


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