South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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The Influence of My Higher Power

Influence can come in many form and fashions. You can be under the influence of substances, ideas, principles, and people, among other things. We find as addicts and alcoholics that we tend to use influence to change the way that we feel. The desire to change the way that we feel comes not by choice but by way of a primal need that every human has to connect with something greater than themselves. Since this need is met by something outside of ourselves, it can be confusing when trying to figure out where to look. In my desperate attempts to meet this primal need, I found drugs along the way of my journey. This was a major detour and cost me relationships and I picked up my fair share of wreckage, which I would later have to clean up. Little did I know that the cleaning up of this wreckage would be an imperative step that I would have to take in order to fulfill the need described at the beginning of this blog. So, back to that need, what is the solution and how do I implement it into my life? the solution is to establish a conscious connection with a power greater than myself (i.e. God, Jesus, etc.). How do I do this? The answer is by getting a sponsor and working the 12 steps of AA. The cleaning up of personal wreckage that I mentioned above is part of what you will do in step 9, but don’t skip ahead! Find a sponsor and start at step 1. The steps are in order for a reason. After working the 12 steps, you will be under the influence of your higher power. Your actions will no longer cause wreckage and as it says in the promises of the big book of AA, “you are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness”.