Reconstructing My Self-Esteem

self esteem drug detox

It has been a long time since my self-esteem has been where it should be. Matter of fact, my self-esteem has been low for the past few years, to the point where it seemed non-existent. I was numb to the world. I had no confidence and thought very little of myself. I used this negative way of thinking as excuse for me to accept my false sense of self. However, those days have come to pass. With the help of my higher power, who I call Jesus Christ, I have been restored with new life. He has put people like Salina Shuler back into my life; to nudge me back on the right path when I start wandering astray. My character has been strengthened and my life has been reset through working the steps, emotional sobriety groups, and healing at South Orange County Detox and Treatment. With God’s help, I’m rebuilding my true self. No longer am I full of self-hate, I have self-love. No longer am I depressed, I’m motivated. No longer do I hate the world, I’m grateful for its beauty. I’m no longer hopeless. My batteries have been recharged and am optimistic about my future. I’m able to see life in a new pair of lenses, and my soul is burning with happiness.


Resentments- The Key Offender in Addiction

