South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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From Disappointment to Inspiration

All my life I have felt like a disappointment to everyone I came across. My family, my friends, strangers… all because of my drug use. I was a disappointment to my family because I couldn’t get along with anyone when I was younger. My mom would always have to watch me because I couldn’t go anywhere without causing a scene. When I started using drugs, I became reckless. I would lie, yell, and steal; even overdose in my home and in front for the neighbors . This was a disappointment to my family, and even a bigger embarrassment to me. As word got out, my friends whom I grew up with didn’t want anything to do with me. This domino effect surfaced in every relationship in my life . My life became a complete wreckage. The day the last domino fell was day-one at South Orange County Detox and Treatment. I finally had found a place where there was no judgement, where people were able to relate to me on a personal level. From my time being here, I have been able to achieve the impossible. Knowing my family is proud of me is something I never thought possible. I’m no longer a disappointment, I’m an inspiration.