South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Humility- A Vital Tool in Recovery

To me, humility is very important to my recovery, and life in general. This past year I have really had to practice humility, starting from scratch and proving that I can be at a place that I was once at before relapsing. I’ve never really felt entitled or have thought of myself as the center of the universe, maybe once or twice in my life. However, I have struggled with losing everything I worked so hard for. Going from a place of authority, back to square one, which has been an eye opener, and has given me a lot of humility. Today I try and stay humble by thinking about the times I was sleeping in a freezing cold jail cell, starving, not seeing the sunlight for weeks on end. I think about the times I slept in an alley, or my car because I choose drugs over a place to live. The things that I have today I am so grateful for that I can’t let my head get too big, becoming ungrateful or entitled, or selfish and self-centered would be detrimental to my recovery. Those are just some examples of how I stay humble today. God has blessed me with a new chance at doing life right. My family and friends give me so much support, its inspiring and this all gives me the motivation to be my true self again. Waking up each day thanking God for everything I have today, and each night thanking God for everything I have keeps me in a good balance between humility and motivation. I know the world would go on just fine without me, but while I’m here I’m going to do what I can to give back, help people, and try to be the best version of myself that I can be. Humility has helped me remember that I am nothing without God as my Higher Power. Staying in a place of humility on a daily basis will help keep me grounded and ensure that I’m constantly growing spiritually, mentality, and emotionally.