South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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My higher Power- The Real Persuader

When I think of the word leadership I think of guidance, direction, supervision but not in the sense of control. In the sense of someone who is doing such things for the greater good or because that person in the position of leader wants the best for you. I always wanted to be a leader growing up, I thought I could boss others around and tell them what to do when I wanted them to do it. Oh how my mindset has changed, leadership means quite the opposite to me now, though I feel like some people in leadership roles specifically currently in our world may still feel that is what it means to be a leader. I find a lot of the time it’s those quiet leaders that have the greatest impact, those that lead by example, with integrity. Those that make you want to do something because you see it working in their life. When I was using I did lots of things to make me feel like I had power or control or effect on others. When in all reality I was completely powerless and had lost all control and absolutely all choice in matters, and specifically my life. Now that I have gotten clean and sober, some of the leaders who stand out to me are in fact, those quiet leaders. Those people who don’t have to say much because their actions speak so much louder than their words. When I got to South Orange County Detox & Treatment, I learned a lot of things, one thing of a lot importance was reconnecting with God, of my own understanding, who has become my real leader. My Higher Power is “The Real Persuader” and power in my life. I feel that he leads me right to those people in leadership roles that can help me grow and blossom into the person in sobriety I was always meant to be. Most importantly He is starting to show me ways that I can come in to that role of a leader and how I can do good with it instead of evil, as I used to.