High Expectations

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Having high expectations has been a lifelong struggle. I set very high expectations for myself and expect everyone else in my life to live up to these same expectations. The problem with doing this is that those people are not me, so how can I expect them to live up to standards I have for myself? With that being said, there are more times than not where I’m not even living up to my own expectations, but still have high expectations of others. It’s truly hypocrisy at its finest. I have found that whenever I set any sort of expectation, I’m always let down and disappointed in the end. When I don’t have any expectations, things always work out better than I could have ever have imagined. It’s foreign for me to not try and control situations to meet my desired expectations. I’m aware that this is a major problem in my life and is something I need to work on to resolve…. Hopefully sooner than later.


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