South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Finding God's Direction

Spirituality, to me, means to be of God’s Spirit. I used to ask myself “What does it mean to be of the spirit?” The whole concept of being spiritual was a hard thing for me to fully grasp. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to just believe that God is going to help me? Nobody else has been there for me or helped me. I thought that to survive I had to do things the only way I know how and to the best of my ability. I thought that if I surrendered to God, I was in a way giving up.  Recently, I realized that I was lost living this way, living only in fear and self-will. Through my transformation I’ve realized that being spiritual isn’t giving up. It’s  a different way of living life to the best of my ability through God and His  good and orderly direction. Being of the Spirit has shown me how to find true happiness and peace within myself. Having faith that In times of need, God will guide me in the right direction. I’ve come to believe that all I need  to do is become one with God, praying for strength and guidance.  Living in God’s will, He will direct me down the path of a truly meaningful life that I can be proud of. Today, spirituality is a part of my life and I have found a special connection with God.