South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Masks, Disguises and Costumes

Masks, disguises, costumes.  Ordinary people might dismiss these words as irrelevant or assume that these words don’t apply to daily life, but they do – more that you suspect. How many times have you found yourself in a room of people and thought, “These people aren’t revealing who they truly are”, or, “These people are putting on a front”… We all, at some point in our lives, hide behind a false-persona – a suit we tailored through our own experiences to hide our vulnerabilities and defects and to portray one’s self as one who has no vulnerabilities or character defects.  At least I know I do… and have for many years.  This mask that I wear wasn’t developed at once, but over many years starting from finding my place and identity in my family at a young age.  I’ve built my mask with false confidence glued together with a rigid, steel-like material that I wasn’t able to break free from and reveal myself from until I started working with Salina Shuler.  Currently in a relationship I’m trying to rebuild, I’m shedding my disguise and trying to reveal my vulnerabilities, defects and even strengths in order to have a full and meaningful relationship with my girlfriend, the people I love, and most importantly myself. Because if I don’t shed that claustrophobic suit, I’ll never be free.