South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Taking A Leap of Faith

I look back at my addiction, particularly toward the end of my using, and think about how spiritually bankrupt I was. I blamed God for my circumstance and wondered, “Why would he do this to me”. Why did God abandon me and allow me to become this monster? The reality was, God never left me, I left Him. I was living life nonchalant, not living my purpose, living my plan not His. I understand now that God had to bring me to the rough side of the mountain, not so He could hurt me or break me, but He needed to re-design me. It was the day I was God willing brought into detox when I decided to make my leap of faith. I could no longer do this alone. In the beginning I didn’t have much in me but I developed one thing, Faith. Faith that soon I would find my purpose and realize that I was worth something, not just to other but most importantly to myself. My faith became bigger than my addiction. I walked by faith through my recovery, not by sight. It was ok with me that I couldn’t see my future or where I would end up. I. At times I did have doubt, but I was faithful that as long as I did the right things and worked hard for my recovery, God would reveal his plan for me. I gracefully write this message to whoever is reading, spiritually restored clean and sober. Although all my days are not perfect today, it’s through having faith that things WILL be and continue to get better than they were in the past that keeps me going. Have Faith in God, an undying passion for what you do or what you choose to do and a relentless drive. Live in the moment, be yourself, be humble and stay grateful for all the blessings you have. And remember just to be the best version of yourself in all things you do. God Bless!

“Faith is taking the first steps, even when you cant see the full staircase” – Martin Luther King, Jr.