South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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I Lost A Truly Good Friend

Grief- Word of the Week

Everyone deals with grief in different ways, for me it’s hard to accept that I’ve lost someone.  Inside I’m broken, confused, angry, and filled with tears but on the outside, I am cut off, guarded, masked, and my eyes are dry.  When it comes to grief, with me, it is really hard to get vulnerable and let my emotions show. I’ve had very close friends from my past pass away and it was hard for me to show my true sorrow. In some cases, I wouldn’t cry at all until weeks later, and other times months later. Recently I lost a truly good friend that will forever have an impact on me.  He was my roommate for quite a long time, and we’ve been through a lot together.  I am in denial still about this passing, but I know that he will always be watching over me and the ones who loved him. I will be going to say my final goodbye to him in a couple days from now.  I hope that my grief will one day be put to rest, but I feel like I still have a lot of work to do before that day comes.  Until then I will just have to have faith and communicate with my higher power and pray that they all get the paradise that they deserve in Heaven. RIP, Nick. I will always remember you as the creative, unique person you always were.