Breaking Unhealthy Dependency

emotional dependence drug detox

Emotional Sobriety – it is fundamental in any healthy, mature, and balanced relationship, yet how aware is the average individual of this concept? Emotional sobriety isn’t strictly relegated to those who suffer from addiction or mental illness- it’s prevalent in all reaches of society and within each socioeconomic group. So how do we attain emotional sobriety, or as

Erich Fromm called it “mature love?”

How do we break unhealthy dependency while also maintaining a healthy sense of individuality? With Salina’s help I’ve been working on discovering fulfillment, wholeness, and purpose within myself- not allowing my self- esteem and confidence to be determined by what I have, how attractive the woman I’m dating is, or the degree of my financial security. This requires a tremendous, and often times, uncomfortable amount of introspection to weed out my emotional liabilities and to kick start the change needed, because after-all, change only begins when we admit and face who we are.


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Freedom in Laughter