South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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The Best Version of Myself

Compassion is something I definitely need more of in my life. I must practice using compassion towards myself and others in order to receive compassion back from the people I surround myself with throughout life. Compassion means having love and connection with someone or something you value in life. During my active alcoholism I had little to no compassion. I was selfish, self-absorbed, and self-centered which left me only being concerned for myself. I had no compassion for myself because I was slowly poisoning my body and ruining my life each day, I kept reaching for the Vodka bottle. I’m glad my family and fellow AA friends still cared for me and wanted me to become sober and resume living instead of just barely getting by day to day. Salina and the staff at South Orange County Detox and Treatment showed compassion towards me by accepting me into her program and caring for me when others were turning away my call for help. They helped correct my controlling, manipulating, and demanding behavior. I was shown how to live sober once more, I returned to the rooms of AA and was welcomed back with open arms. I was shown compassion from the fellowship by their willingness to remind me how to live sober one day at a time. I was returning to the best version of myself that people knew and loved. Life got better and continues to do so to this day.