South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Opening My Eyes to Compassion

I think this applies to most people, but speaking for myself, I know I am guilty of expecting compassion in most situations but have little to no empathy or compassion for others. Most of the topics we write about are things I struggled with while in active addiction but once I was sober and working on myself in treatment it was resolved. However, my lack of compassion is something that I’m still addressing after almost eight months clean. I always expect everyone to understand what I am going through and have empathy towards me, but then do the exact opposite with others. My thinking is very black and white so if I disagree with the choice that someone made it makes it hard for me to put myself in their shoes and feel compassion for their situation. Usually once someone opens my eyes to the fact that my perspective on the situation is flawed I am able to recognize where I am in the wrong and pull out of it.