South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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An Attitude of Gratitude

Having an attitude of gratitude is something I try and remind myself each morning. This is so important to my well being and recovery because I can easily forget where I came from. In the past, I have taken for granted everything God has provided me with and even all the great wonders God has created, like the beautiful mountains, rivers, trees, oceans and stars. I’m grateful for all the mistakes I have made because it has built in me a foundation of gratitude that I made It through these terrifying times of my life. If I forget where I have come from and start living in pride and ego, I can easily slip back into self-will and relapse. Thanking God every day that I am alive and sober, and in recovery, helps me stay grounded. I’m so thankful for my support system, Salina Shuler, and South Orange County Detox and Treatment for being there when I need them, and for not judging me based on my character defects. I am grateful for the assisted help in providing me with necessary coping skills to help maintain a sober lifestyle. God has given me a beautiful life. He is my tour guide and I must stay on this ride we call “life”. If I fall off, I will surely die. Being able to tell my story helps remind me to live in gratitude and humility. Gratitude is the basic ingredient of humility and staying humble is a must if I want to continue to stay sober. In the Big Book, there is a saying I really like.

“I try to hold fast to the truth that a full and thankful heart cannot entertain great conceits. When brimming with gratitude, one’s heartbeat must surely result in outgoing love, the finest emotion that we can ever know.”

Putting gratitude into action helps me give back the love I have received and hopefully help not only my recovery, but other addicts and alcoholics who are struggling.