South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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To Love And To Be Loved

Love comes in many forms and is represented or manifested through action. I believe that acceptance is the precursor that is necessary to love and to be loved. If I accept myself or someone else exactly as they are, the good, the bad, and the ugly I am able to appreciate and cherish them in their entirety, with reservation or conditions. I believe that this is the true essence of love. I’ve been told that love is the absence of all fear, to love is to be bold, brave, vulnerable, honest, and is ultimately a gift that we choose to give without the expectation of it being returned. Moving into this new year I want to focus more on how I can be of service to those around me and to be more loving towards the people in my life who have supported me in my recovery and my family. Every day is an opportunity to grow, change, and love and I know that if I am able to stay grounded and grateful for the blessing in my life today that I will be more open to giving and experiencing love and be able to express and appreciate that love with the people in my life.